How many times a year does the magazine come out?
6 issues yearly.  The print (US only) should arrive by the beginning of the issue date.  May/June should arrive by May 1, for instance.
PDF issues are emailed on the 20th of the month prior to issue date.  May/June would arrive April 20.

Why ship only in the US?
For years we had shipped to foreign countries, but the postage/shipping is more than the magazine/product itself, and we have no control over what happens once it leaves the country (and not so much inside the US).  If one issue is lost, it can be extremely expensive and we aren't big enough to absorb that expense, so we gave up on it.  We have PDF's of all the books and magazines.

How does shipping work?
We try very hard to charge only what we pay to ship the product to you.  Our maximum shipping price is $13.50.  If it costs more than that, we pay it.  If we are off by more than a dollar, we will refund the extra shipping to you.
Sometimes one item is very expensive to ship, but if another item or two are added, it really isn't much more.  Orders over $150 ship free.

How do I contribute articles or artwork?
Check out the "For Our Writers" tab.

How can I advertise?
Purchase the space and send us the artwork, and we'll take care of it.  You can order space directly on the shopping cart - Wholesale and Advertising tab.

How do I change my address?
Send an email to tina@essentialherbal.com with "change of address" in the subject line, and in the body of the email, include your name and old address, and the new address.  That's it!  We'll take care of it.

Gift Subscriptons?
Use your address in the billing, and the recipient's name and address in the "ship to" section.  Please let us know it is a gift in the Notes, and if you'd like a message on their gift card, enter it there.