Next publication deadline: Sept 1 for Nov/Dec
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The Essential Herbal is a digital magazine.
The Essential Herbal is the magazine for the everyday herbalist. It's one that you can prop up on the kitchen counter while trying recipes, take along to the the natural food store, herb shop, or garden center to help you shop for the best stuff. We originally called it an “herbal newsletter,” but since early 2004 when we began running 32 pages, it became an “herbal magazine.” Finally in mid 2020, we transitioned to a digital magazine. There are 6 issues per year.
- Backyard Herbalists and Wildcrafters—This is for you! Are you enchanted by all the plants in your path? Do you want to learn which you can eat, which you can use on a rash, and how to make a tea to soothe a cold with another?
- Adventurous Cooks—You'll love TEH! Every issue has lots of interesting new ways to prepare dishes using healthful herbs to add zing!
- Foragers, Crafters, Family Herbalists—The Essential Herbal is written just for you! You’ll find our pages to be filled with fascinating information.
You’ll feel a real personality to this magazine. No matter who or what is in a particular issue, it always feels like a big fat, juicy letter from an old friend—filled with information, recipes, lore, and crafting ideas and instructions for using herbs and making them a part of your life everyday. We know that there is a need for clear instructions for the new herbie—and that the herb recipes and herb craft ideas need to be interesting to the old hands, too. There is something for everyone in every single issue: a new way to use herbs, a new way to taste herbs, or a new way to use them in family first aid.
The stated purpose of The Essential Herbal is to provide a forum for all of us out there working alone with herbs to be in touch and share what we know. Some tiny little herb shop in the hidden hills might harbor some powerful knowledge… and how are we to know? Its an opportunity to put that herb shop on the map. It is a chance for the home herbalist to be published right alongside someone everyone has heard of. Cool, huh? So join in the fun. Subscribe now to The Essential Herbal magazine!