November December 2010 PDF - The Essential Herbal

November December 2010 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Field Notes from the Editor Tales from the Tetons: Crafts and Food, Kristena Haslem
Baking Old-Fashioned Sourdough Bread, Melissa Nicole Sidelinger Feverfew, Cindy Jones
Gifts for New Herbies, Tina Sams Hibiscus Acetosella, Cory Trusty
Try a Tincture Mary Hammond SouthRidge Treasures: Under the Mistletoe, Mary Ellen Wilcox
The Lore of Holiday Plants, Jackie Johnson Herbs of the Zodiac: Sagittarius, Susanna and Bertha Reppert
A Month of Herbs, Rita Richardson Autumn Baked Vegetables, Rosanne Tartaro
Louisiana Lagniappe: Spiced Fruit Compote, Sarah Liberta Licorice, Maryanne Schwartz
Spice Wreath, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh Historical Herbal: Astrological Botany, Kathleen Setzer
The Soap Pot: Castile Soap, Alicia Grosso The Global Herbal: North America, Marita A Orr