May June 2010 - The Essential Herbal

May June 2010 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Field Notes from the Editor What's going on around here? Facial Steams, Liz Johnson Take 10 minutes to rejuvenate your face and your spirits. Instructions and suggested herbs for 5 skin types.
The Global Herbal, The Caribbean Islands, Marita A. Orr Traditional medicine of the islands and how disease is viewed in the Caribbean. Hands on How-to: Potpourri, Sue Ryn Burns How one woman teaches a potpourri class in a busy faire setting.
Down on the Farm, After the Growing, Michele Brown & Pat Stewart Herbalize your kitchen with these tried and true recipes. Fair Offerings, Kay Hanson Ever want to enter your specialties in a state fair? Here are some ideas to help the process along.
Historic Herbal, Remedies for Hair Growth, Kathleen Setzer For the love of our crowning glory, from time gone by. Gardening Superstitions, Barbara Will Scarecrows and gnomes and weathersticks, oh my!
Herbs of the Zodiac: Gemini, Bertha Reppert via Susanna Reppert Gemini brings special herbs and a potpourri. Herbal Pregnancy Journey, Cory Trusty One woman\'s search for a remedy for severe lower back pain -- and beyond.
SouthRidge Treasures, Nasturtiums, Mary Ellen Wilcox There are many things to do with these gems of the garden. Several recipes are included as well as information. Faerie Gardening, Jackie Johnson Just what are fairies, and how can we welcome them to our gardens?
Yarrow, Susan Evans \"Useful for so many things, easy to grow and beautiful to boot, what's not to love?\" St Johnswort, Mary Hammond Learn why SJW has been considered a mystical, magical plant with amazing healing properties for centuries.
The Soap Pot, Luxuries in Small Packages, Alicia Grosso 5 amazingly decadent recipes made from one pound of oils. Tales from the Tetons, Rooibos, Kristena Haslam Roder Prevent aging, build strong bones and teeth, prevent colic and good for the skin? Drink up!
Herbs as Antioxidants, Cindy Jones What are antioxidents, and why should we seek them out? Zazen Soap Recipe, Marci Tsohonis Luscious soap filled with fresh ginger ... Mmmmm!
18 Reasons to Celebrate Asparagus, Rita Richardson Quick \"tips\" for this fleeting veggie.