July August 2013 - The Essential Herbal

July August 2013 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Field Notes Perennial food gardening is a gradual, thoroughly satifying experience. 7 years in, it is starting to make a difference! About the Cover How do we cope with leaving behind beloved gardens?
A Bible Garden, Jackie Johnson A fascinating look at what went into planning and executing a public garden from a historical perspective. Herb Craft: Painting & Pounding, Suzan T Scholl We can never get enough herb themed accoutrements! Clothing, linens, notepaper; your imagination is your only barrier with this decorative craft.
Thyme, Thymus Vulgaris, Heddy Johannesen Versatile and lovely, there are so many uses for thyme. So unassuming that we often take it for granted. Heddy includes recipes for syrup and vinegar. Thyme in a Magical Garden, Jacquie Beveridge Off we go to visit the charming Thyme Garden Herb Garden in Alsea Valley of the Oregon Coast Range Mountains.
Cimicifuga Racemosa (Black Cohosh,) Sandy Michelsen One of the next plants to be introduced into the woods here, Sandy gives us some good reasons to include Black Cohosh in the garden. SouthRidge Treasures, Coriander (Cilantro,) Mary Ellen Wilcox As usual, Mary Ellen goes beyond the lore, history, and growing information to include 6 great recipes/uses, including Black Bean Salad and Crispy Coriander Potatoes.
Seashore Stirrings, Marci Tsohonis Oceana Soap... Dreams of the beach and the water and the sun all rolled into a fragrant decadent bar of soap. There are also instructions for a couple of different ways to swirl colors into soap. Herbal Wines, Infused Wines, Champagne, Marita Orr Be prepared to find yourself running outside to find ingredients to get started! Marita has outdone herself with this stunning article filled with information, ideas, inspiration, and recipes. I\'ve already made 2 batches of the elderflower champagne!
Fun, Sillies & Puns, Jessica Morgan Jessica collects cute herbal puns and jokes, and has graciously shared a bushel of them with us! Summer Garden Party with Wine & Cheese, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh Cheese Balls, Crisps, and Logs, Citrus Olives, Pickled Carrots, and all manner of pairing cheeses and wine to make for a memorable picnic or gathering.
The Fragrant Geraniums, Susanna Reppert Brill So many simple ways to use those wonderful leaves, way beyond potpourri! Tea, cake, sugar and more plus how to keep them as house plants. Pure? Natural? Organic? Maryanne Schwartz How do you wade through the hype when people throw around these words until they no longer have any meaning at all?
Pressed into Service, Rita Richardson As the flowers bloom, it can be almost impossible to just let them go. Press them and keep them for decorative purposes!