May June 2015 - The Essential Herbal

May June 2015 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Field Notes by Tina Sams Validation isn't always needed, but it sure is nice. Aromatherapy for Beginners, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh Safety info and a quick overview on a dozen great oils.
The Humble Strawberry, Cathy Calf Child Native medicine teaching will make you liok at the strawberry a little differently. Self Heal, Sandy Michelsen Unassuming, but oh-so-valuable, find out what this weed can do.
Butters and Creams, Jamie Jackson Great information on working with lots of butters and creating luscious skin soothers. Kids Corner, Dancing with Dandelions, Kristine Brown Learn to love these sunny little helpers. Almost everywhere at this time of year, Kristine gives us tons of ways to utilize them.
Through the Looking Glass: Arthur Rackham, Susanna Reppert Susanna's series on fairy artists highlights a prolific illustrator. It's Time to Fall in Love with Hydrosols, Pt 1, Liz Pulcher What are hydrosols and why you should know about them, use them, care for them, and love them.
Our Friend Nettles, Ben Cohen Are nettles growing near you? Get to know them, fresh or dried! Quiz--Questions for Herb Gardeners, Carol Ann Harlos Test your knowledge with this fun quiz.
Spring Wildcrafting, Catherine Love Some favorite wildlings to keep an eye out for in late spring and early summer. Nigella--The Underused Beauty, Jackie Johnson Love in a Mist, stunning in the garden and useful in the home.
Lemon Verbena Shampoo Soap, Marci Tsohonis Mmmm! Lemon Verbena is the scent of summer for some, and it is spectacular in body care products. A bar shampoo to try. Gatherings, Rita Richardson "Snippets of this and a little bit of that for the herb lover and cook."
My Aching Back, Barbara Steele A look back at old-time liniments and some recipes to try. These are as useful today as they ever were. Hydraulics & Herbs, Suzan Tobias Scholl Part 3 "Your Cheatin' Heart" takes up where the previous articles on the Lymph and Circulatory systems left off.