November December 2015 - The Essential Herbal

November December 2015 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Field Notes, Tina Sams As the seasons change, we prepare to begin our 15th year! Carey's cover - perfectly captures the sights and scents of the season.
The Lazy Composter, Sue Kusch Down to earth instructions that anyone with a little plot of land can use. American Ginseng, Jackie Johnson The ethics of cultivated and wild growing as well as the history challenges of growing ginseng as a crop.
Gift Idea - Mug Mat, Tina Sams Share the scents of the season with friends. Herbs for Holiday Stress Relief, Catherine Love Lots of options to help you cope with the pressures that can arise.
Holiday Sweets w/ Exotic Herbs, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh Ginger shortbread and a spectacular citrus dessert sure to delight family and holiday visitors. Fall in Love with Hydrosols, Part 2, Liz Fulcher Hydrosols are becoming more available, so good information on their uses is great to have!
Putting Together a Gift Basket, Tina Sams It looks so simple, but there are a few tricks to putting together a visually attractive presentation. Perfectly Pine, Kristine Brown Pine needles and resin have many medicinal, culinary, and even handy household uses. You won't look at one in the same way again.
Urine for It (You're in for It), Suzan Tobias Scholl We rarely think of our urinary system until there's a problem. There are many ways we can care for it to keep it up and running. Holiday Sugar & Spice Soap & Scrubs, Marci Tsohonis Beautiful ideas for gift giving or to brighten up the guest bathroom.
The Herb Taste War: Cilantro vs. Ivory Soap, Rita Richardson We have this battle on the farm, with half of us loving it and half of us unable to bear it Gift Idea - Solid Perfume, Maryanne Schwartz Last minute idea (if need be). Make them today, share them tomorrow.
Enjoying Your Christmas Tree, Sandy Michelsen Recipes for salve and syrup, and more history and lore. Last Words After S.P., Adrie Lester Gardening while grieving.
Artwork by Debra Sturdevant Cover Art by Carey Jung