January February 2020 Essential Herbal (digital)
Table of Contents:
Field Notes from the Editor, Tina SamsWhat will we be doing in 2020? Let’s grow like the plants.
The Awakening of the Seeds, Jen Frey
How can we relate our lives with the Celtic Goddess Brigid and Imbolc?
Garden Adventures - Garlic, Rebekah Bailey
Garlic turns up in a ditch on the new property. Lots to learn here!
Book Excerpt, Opening Our Wild Hearts to the Healing Herbs, Gail Faith Edwards
Gail’s newest book, will be out in early January. The excerpt discusses herbal tastes, and the properties that go with them.
Femininitea, Tina Sams
A tea that goes from puberty to menopause, and beyond.
Summer Jellies to Warm Your Winter, Alicia Allen
Learn to make luscious herb jellies that bring summer right into winter.
Weaving Memories, Mary Peterson
This basket was woven as the writer traveled around Ireland.
Gromwell, Sandy Michelsen
Lithospermum, lemonweed, or gromwell, with roots full of purpose.
Herb Bread, Theresa F. Koch
A nice crusty and flavorful loaf.
Lessons from Your Seed Catalogs, Kathy Musser
What information should you look for when shopping for seeds?
Here’s to Hawthorn, Kristine Brown RH(AHG)
… or why we all need hawthorn trees.
Beauty of Making Your Own Medicine, Cathy Walker
What we put into our medicine and how much does it mean?
Winter Crafts for Families, Marcy Lautanen Raleigh
Some fun things to try including a bird feeder, scented stones, and a snack.
Lavender & Tea Tree Soap, Marci Tsohonis
How to make this beautiful, fresh, clean bar.
White Pine Magick and Medicine, Angela Bowman
Mmmm… tea, syrup, massage oil, and salve from this tree that just might be in your living room right now.
Amish Chow Chow, Rita Richardson
How to make this pickled Amish delight.
Hello Herbies, Marci Tsohonis
The long road to gathering some local herb friends.
Dreaming of a New Garden for 2020, Jackie Johnson
What sort of theme garden might you like to try this year?
This beautiful color changing tea has some interesting benefits.