March April 2020 Essential Herbal (digital)

March April 2020 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Cover Photo, Jen Frey
Walking with the Redwoods

Herbal Lingo Crossword
We use some unusual words.

Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams
Nothing stays the same forever, but maybe it can be even better.               

Pollinator Gardens, Jackie Johnson
Help the pollinators with beautiful plants.                                                         

Schisandra Knows What You Need, Tina Sams
This very unusual berry is a very versatile adaptogen.                                   

My Other “Herb” Garden, Rebekah Bailey
The birds and the bees, and the flowers and the trees…                               

Cottage Gardening, Kathy Musser
How to design a cottage garden, and perfect flowering plants to include.  

Puzzle Solution                                                                                                     

Osha Root, Sandy Michelsen
Bear Medicine is another name for this “at risk” root.

Scentimental Favorites, Alicia Allen
Growing herbs for flavor and scent.                                                                   

Damiana Love Soap, Marci Tsohonis
Love is for every day, and so is this soap J                                                     

French Cousins, Rita Richardson
Try chervil and sorrel for some new flavors.                                                     

Creative & Tasty Approach to Treating Allergies, Tony(a) Lemos           
An eco-spiritual approach to working with some surprising allies.

My Top Springtime Uses for Vinegar, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh               
Freshen up the house with some citrus and vinegar.

Book Excerpt, Herbalism at Home, Kristine Brown                                      
Anxiety Tea Blend from the book!

Artemisia Herb, Barbara Steele
A description of several varieties, and several tarragon recipes