March April 2022 Essential Herbal (digital)
Field Notes from the Editor, Maryanne Schwartz
The quiet, introspective sister covers the notes this issue, and it’s kind of interesting to see our lives through different eyes.
Extraordinary Flavors for Festive Events, Alicia Allen
Delicious ideas for entertaining, including Margherita Roses and Strawberry Basil Pound Cake along with several others!
All in a Froth, Rebekah Bailey
Scrumptious and nutritious latte recipes along with lots of ideas for how to create the right foam and texture.
A Brief Look at the Misuse of Plants, Jackie Johnson
“We should be aware that according to Paracelsus, the difference between poison and healing is in the dosage.”
Book Excerpt, “The Complete Guide to Seed & Nut Oils,” Bevin Cohen
All about flax seed oil… I think it will amaze you how fascinating Bevin makes this subject.
Glorious Ginkgo, Kristine Brown
Ginkgo was one of the “up-and-coming” herbs in the 90’s, but then lost traction in the stampede of newbies to herbalism. It’s back and well worth a deep dive.
A Love for Lemon Balm, Maia Warren
A nice profile for this beloved herb, along with tea recipes. You’ll want to be sure you’ve got lemon balm in the cupboard!
Foaming Lemon Cleaning Paste, Nancy Lewis
Turning leftovers into a delightful cleaning product is brilliant!
Dragon’s Blood Soap, Marci Tsohonis
We love this gorgeous, fragrant, soap. Our ren faire patrons would have beat feet to our shop for it, back in the day, as the resin also has some protective properties.
Planters for Herbs 2022, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
Different means of planting for smaller spaces!
Rose, Water, Stone, Kathryn Tonneson
Poetic expression of recognizing everything around us.
Nicknames - a Word Search Puzzle, Tina Sams
You can do this as a word search, or click on the link and do the crossword!
Simply Salvia, Kathy Musser
A discussion of different salvias, where to plant them, and how to care for them.