May June 2020 Essential Herbal (digital)

May June 2020 Essential Herbal (digital)

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About the Cover
Katie Eberts (.com) provided this beautiful, joyous vision of springtime with plants, birds, and bees.

Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams
     Here’s how COVID-19 hit us.  How the PDF zine will work.                               

Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme, Alicia Foster Allen
     Get comfy with these herbs in the kitchen!  How to use them and some great recipes.

Coltsfoot, Gale LaScala
     This early riser has lots to offer.  Stake out the flowers now to find the leaves later.      

Menopause, Rebekah Bailey
     This can be a tough journey.  Expect herbal suggestions in future issues.  Check out Vitex (below) in the meantime. 

Herb Basket Gift, Rita Richardson
     Have you ever put together an herbal gift basket?  Fun and interesting ideas!  

Vital Vitex, Kristine Brown, RH(AHG)
     Lots of terrific information and one of Kristine’s beautiful stories of how vitex was created.      

Basil for Everybody, Kathy Musser
     So many basils!  Which ones will you grow?                                                      

Summer Beverages, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
     Delicious, refreshing beverages that everyone can enjoy.                                 

Arnica, Sandy Michelsen
     Inside (homeopathically) and outside, this pretty, sunny flower eases aches and pains.

Lilacs, Marilyn I. Bellemore
     Have you eaten lilacs? Get ready for a treat.                                                     

An Ounce of Prevention, Tina Sams & The Facebook Group
     We gathered a lot of solid ideas for staying ahead of the virus.                          

Small Business Ideas, Susanna Reppert-Brill
     Some great ideas for keeping business moving in the void from a true veteran in the herb world.        

Oceana Soap, Marci Tsohonis
     Gorgeous, luxurious, and gentle, this soap makes us look forward to washing our hands (again).        

May Day, Jackie Johnson
     Tradition and lore of this special day, along with ways to celebrate and recipes to enjoy.

Meet Our Contributors
Who are these wondrous creatures who share their knowledge with us?  Find out here.