November December '22 Essential Herbal (digital)
Cover, Debra Sturdevant
Beautiful painting evokes the kitchen we all dream of on some level.
Excerpt from “Herbalism,” Adrian White
I always love reading how others were drawn into herbs and develop their viewpoints and favorite herbs.
Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams
So many plants, people and things!
Side Dishes with Fall Flavor, Alicia Allen
Delicious offerings for the upcoming holidays! Several serve well as main dishes, too.
Astragalus Chia, Mountain Rose Herbs
Classic herbs and spices with added adaptogenic properties!
An Herbal Gift Basket, Debra Sturdevant
Wonderful ideas including several tea blends, tub teas, and how-tos for herbed vinegars and honeys. Oh – and cookies!
How to Make Items on the Cover, Tina Sams
Debra covered the vinegar, but I give instructions and recipes for all the other gifties strewn across the cover.
Christmas Gift Ideas, Jackie Johnson
Unique, thoughtful, and inexpensive gifts from the heart. The Memory Jar struck a chord with us!
Seeds or Plants? Kathy Musser
Are you a seed person or a plant person? Sometimes it depends on the plant. Kathy helps you decide.
Winter Warming Appetizers, Marcy Lautanen Raleigh
Cocktail parties, get-togethers and family gatherings are all opportunities to share delicious treats from the kitchen. Dips, puffs, cheese straws and pretzels are some of these tasty bites.
Herbal Holiday Gathering Recipes, Marci Tsohonis
Eggnog, spicy cider, herby stuffed mushrooms, finger sandwiches, dips – and just in case they spend the night, a delightful recipe for fresh ginger muffins!
Figs! Susanna Reppert Brill
More and more people are growing figs. If you aren’t, you might want to think about it!