September October 2019  Essential Herbal - The Essential Herbal

September October 2019 Essential Herbal (digital)

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Table of Contents:

Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams
About those plastic sleeves, and what’s the deal with the folk method? 
There’s no segue, that’s just how her mind works.

About The Cover 
Debra Sturdevant sent is a beautiful autumn cover.  Eventually we’ll have all the seasons!           

Making Your Own Bitters, Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
Not only does this provide a couple very palatable kinds of bitters, there are also some
very interesting recipes to use them in, rather than taking them by the dropper.                                                             

Garden Tool Care, Liz Brensinger
Time to take a little care of those garden helpers to make sure they’re ready for next year.          

Santa Maria Novella, Miranda Hoodenpyl
Florence Italy has one of the world’s oldest pharmacies, and we are provided with a tour.             

It’s All in the Family, Solanaceae, Jackie Johnson
We are all familiar with this family of plants.  You’ve probably got some in the kitchen right now.

Herbs for Birth Pt 3, Mothering the Mother, Danielle Bergum
Time to make sure Mom is well and cared for with balms and belly binding.         

Something Seedy Going On, Rebekah Bailey
Seeds are full of promise, but many are also beautiful, edible, and versatile.         

Book Excerpt from “Abundantly Well”, Susun Weed
A glimpse at Susun Weed’s new book.                                                                    

Gotu Kola as a Cognitive Ally, Sarah Richards
Growing and using this regenerative little ally.  Also, one of several beautiful illustrations
from Sarah can be found here.

Essential Oil vs. Fragrance Oil. Maryanne Schwartz
The reason the big corporations can get away with calling “winter breeze” an essential oil
is because a lot of people don’t know the difference.                                                                                                    

Why Should I Be Using Clay? Janet Gutierrez
Types and properties of various cosmetic clays.                                                     

Tea Pot Tussie Mussies, Lalanya Bodenbender
A very cool and different way to put by tea herbs.                                                  

Octobertfest Stout Soap w/Calendula, Marci Tsohonis
A perfect skin soothing soap to prepare for the dryer air of fall and winter.            

Flowers for Drying, Kathy Musser
Lots of the herbs we grow can be used in arrangements and wreaths.

Autumn Fruit Crumble, Tina Sams
We always called it a “crisp” but it’s really a “crumble.”  Either way, it’s delicious.  

Small Victories, Marnie Plunkett
We all need reminders that we’re doing exactly what we’re supposed to be doing.