May June 2023 Essential Herbal (digital)
Crossword Puzzle
Here comes summer in the garden!
Field Notes from the Editor, Tina Sams
What’s going on around here? Considering the seasonal changes.
Comfrey - My Lifelong Friend, Clara Lee
An herbal alliance can begin in early life.
Non-traditional Breakfasts, Alicia Allen
Caution: Do not read on an empty stomach! Delicious options to kick it up a notch.
The Wizard’s Herb - Blue Vervain, Jackie Johnson
Blue vervain is a well-storied herb. Read about the lore, magic and wisdom, and beautiful healing properties, as well as growing information.
Take Your Pick, Kathy Musser
Why choose one plant over another? Catnip or catmint? It all depends on a factors like purpose, space, and preference.
Book Excerpt: The Beginners Guide to Growing Cannabis,
Tammi Sweet, MS
We got a few great cuttings from Tammi Sweet’s newest book! How to make Cannabis Honey, why growing your own is superior to processed, and also contraindications are inside this issue!
Herbs I Miss, Molly Sams
It’s hard to leave behind friends and family, but it’s a surprise to find that you also miss the plants you’ve known all your life.
Vending at Festivals, Tina Sams
Some hard-won tips for choosing successful events, as well as some thoughts on etiquette – or how to avoid being the vendor that everyone else is giving the side-eye.
An Herbal - What is it? Marcy Lautanen-Raleigh
The books that have led the way for all of us!
What is Cold Infusion? Elise Stillwell
Why would we use room temperature water rather than hot to make an infusion? What are the benefits and which herbs?
All about peppermint’s properties and habits, as well as a few remedies to prepare.